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Conservatism to Cuckolding: from the Alt-Right to India…

In recent years, cuckolding has garnered a lot attention. In memes, online forums and popular parlance, men find themselves labelled as: “cuck.”

What is a cuckold? And, what is cuckolding?

· Origins: from the cuckoo bird that lays its eggs in other birds’ nests.


· In biology: a male who invests parental effort in offspring that not genetically his.


· Dictionary: a man who has an adulterous wife.


· In porn: a male who witnesses his apparent or actual wife have sex with another man.


Not long ago, I came across an interesting article in GQ magazine. The author posited use of the term in alt-right contexts is a rehash of age-old “misogyny, racism, fascism, sexism, homophobia and beyond.  By labelling liberal thinking people as cucks, or cuckolds, the alt-right pushes its agenda through targeted bullying. 


However, when it comes to the traditional meaning, data shows that interest has increased dramatically. According to Google Trends data from last year, cuckolding was the 7th most trending fetish among Brits. Even further afield, in more conservative societies, cuckolding is growing in popularity.


Indian society is known to be among the most conservative in the world. However, research by global extra-marital dating app Gleeden showed that men are trailing women, when it comes to sex outside the marriage. Of the 1500 participants surveyed, 53% of women have admitted to intimate relationships outside of marriage. Even more surprisingly, 40% of women admitted to regular sex outside of the marriage. So, while customs, traditions and religious identities remain firmly entrenched, a shift is definitely taking place.

The Cuckolding Gigolos of India?!

Recently, I was surprised by an article I came across on Vice. Four men, in their late-20s talked about the cuckolding services they provide to married couples. One interviewee, Mahi from Mumbai, even said he found Indian women more forthcoming than the men. “Perhaps Indian men have a hard time coming to terms with being emasculated…but in the end, they always give in,” he said.


With increased use of the term and popular interest in the fetish, cuckolding and being a cuckold seems to be growing.


Are you from India? Or, another similar conservative society? Do you have an interest in cuckolding? I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions…

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